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Contoh Surat Standing Instruction

Contoh Surat Standing Instruction

contoh kalimat instruction, masing masing 5 verbal instruction dan 5 nominal instruction​

1. contoh kalimat instruction, masing masing 5 verbal instruction dan 5 nominal instruction​


*open your book! : buka bukumu!

*stand up , please : tolong berdiri

*close your book! : tutup bukumu!

*come in !! : masuk

*have a seat : silahkan duduk

*open the door : buka pintu

*listen and repeat : dengarkan dan ulangi !

*keep silent, please : diam

*come forward : maju kedepan !

*sweep the floor, please : sapulah lantai !

*close the door : tutup pintu !

* clean the whiteboard please :bersihkan papan tulis !

* open page 14 : buka halaman 14 !

*don't be late : jangan telat !

*close the window please : tutup jendela

*shut up ! : diam

*write it on the note ! : tulis ini di dalam catatan

*please read it carefully the manual book : baca yang benarnya buku manualnya

*take care ! : hati hati

*no photography



2. contoh kalimat giving instruction and respond instruction

giving instruction :
could you open the door please

respond :

3. contoh kalimat giving instruction and respond instruction

giving instruction :
open the window, please!
respond instruction :
instruction : close the door please!
respond : sure

4. contoh kalimat instruction

Please shut the door
Please do your homework

Semoga membantu :)Go to the canteen, lets go

5. contoh instruction/commanding

open your book: buka bukumu
stand up please:tolong berdiri

6. 20 contoh instruction?

- go straight ahead then turn right
- take the pill before lunch
- take the book after dinner
- turn left after the first traffic light
- turn right after the second traffic light
- go sleep after learn
- go straight ahead after turn left
- get the ticket before run out
- kick the ball before the time is over
- buy some meal before the restaurant is closed
- run away before the gate is closed
- buy some meal then take the shoes
- put off the shoes before go sleep
- turn off the lamp before go sleep
- throw the ball then kick it
- submit the task before the time is over
- close this door then open that windows
- put off the jacket before come into the class
- print the article then submit it to the teacher
- get some meal then do th house worktake the horse from the stable! pick your hands down/up! open page 118! don't open room 5! get a breakfast before you go to school ! slice the chilies thinly ! boil the water! fry the chicken now! mix the chocolate with a cup of milk! please write something about your school ! pour a spoonful of milk on the top! open the door, please ! open the windows, please ! run quickly! place your bag on the table! turn on the switch lamp! do your homework now! pull the chair! turn off the switch lamp ! click the up button! roll your hair! splash the water!

7. contoh soal instruction

-Go straight and turn left
-Turn right after the traffic light
-Run as fast as you can before the gate is closed

8. contoh gambar instruction

Contoh gambar instruction

no.1 instruction of cloth
no. 2 airplane emergency intruction

9. Contoh instruction simple

Can you take my pencil on that table?
Could you turn off the tv because i still study?can you take my book on that table?
could you turn off the tv because i still study?


Here are some examples of imperative sentences or sentence instructions:
=> Please place the book on the table.
=> Do not throw garbage into the river!
=> You have to go to school now
=> Do not reproach the person because he is also the creation of god

*THANKS*1. Do not take a rain shower
2. Don't be lazy
3. Please clean the house
4. You must to help me

moga membantu ya :)

11. contoh kalimat instruction

open the door please.....
can you help me
will you do the honors please?                                       
could you cook the food please?

12. contoh instruction di museum

should not be photographed { tidak boleh memotret } 

13. Contoh instruction text ...................

take me a glass of water!
leave me alone here, please!
smile for me, please!instruction text

The way to make a coffee
first put the coffee powder inside a cup and then put the hot water
after that put the sugar and the cream.
and you've got a coffee

that's all

14. contoh kalimat giving instruction beserta respon instruction

can you close the door now?
yes, i can sirsit down please.
ok , thanks miss

15. bahasa inggris kls 8Instruction = ... ?Giving instruction =...?contohnya ​

Jawaban:Instructions:Open the door, please! (Tolong buka pintunya!)Let’s have a look at this banner (Mari kita lihat spanduk ini)Let’s answer the question (Ayo jawab pertanyaannya)Buy some fresh fruit (Beli buah segar)Help me to cut the paper, please! (Toong bantu saya memotong kertas!)Please put on your jacket! It's so cold outside (Tolong pakai jaketmu! Di luar sangat dingin)Clean your room now! (Bersihkan kamarmu sekarang!)Penjelasan:Apakah kamu pernah meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu yang kamu inginkan? Misalnya dengan kalimat “open the window, please!”. Nah, dalam bahasa Inggris kalimat ini merupakan ekspresi dari giving instruction. Apa yang dimaksud giving instruction?

Giving instruction adalah sebuah ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu, bisa berupa anjuran maupun suruhan atau perintah kepadanya. Bukan hanya itu, ekspresi dari giving instruction juga bisa digunakan untuk menyemangati seseorang, seperti “be eagerly!”.

Cara menggunakan giving instruction dalam sebuah kalimat dapat mengacu pada rumus berikut:

Note: Jika perintah yang diberikan sistematis, kita perlu menambahkan kata-kata First, second, third, then, next, after that, finally …

Verbal instruction [Rumus]

V1 + Object

Let’s + V1 + Object

V1 + Object + Please (bisa di awal atau di akhir kalimat)

bila terbantu jangan lupa jadikan tercerdas ya!


Instruction= Pendapat

Giving instruction= Memberikan instruksi




(Bersihkan kamarmu sekarang!) Could you bring this to me, please? (Bisakah kamu membawa ini kepada saya?) Can you pick up my sister from school, please? (Bisakah kamu menjemput adikku dari sekolah?) Let's take care of ourselves! (Mari kita jaga diri kita!)8 Feb 2022

Giving instruction


(Toong bantu saya memotong kertas!) Clean your room now! (Bersihkan kamarmu sekarang!) Could you bring this to me, please? (Bisakah kamu membawa ini kepada saya?)

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